Give Your Life More Sweet!

How to choose a suitable steam oven for your use? In the face of cake, there is really no resistance at all. After all, life is already so bitter, why not give yourself a little sweet? Sweetness causes happiness, and making cakes not only makes you feel happy, but you also want to transmit that happiness to your friends and family around you. This issue continues to share how you should choose an oven!

  • Capacity

There are two types of steam ovens that I believe we all know, desktop and embedded. Relatively speaking, the desktop will be cheaper, suitable for most families can be directly placed on the countertop, the installation environment does not require high, while embedded need to be used with the cabinet, installed in the cabinet value is quite high, now also increasingly popular embedded appliances.

Capacity, for the average family, the same capacity as the choice of oven, 30-40L to meet the basic needs of the general family population is 2-4 people use. But more than the number of people, and like family gatherings, like Kiki like baking to make bread, choose a large-capacity machine will be more suitable.

General desktop, too large on the countertop are more area, so the general large-capacity oven, it is recommended to choose embedded. But too big, it may not be a good thing, after all, is a steam baking machine, in addition to baking also consider the function of steam, for steam, the larger is not a good thing, after all, unlike baking, steam is heated through the water in the tank into water vapor to work. The limited capacity of the water tank provides a limited amount of steam. For steam, steam needs to fill the inner cavity to reach saturation in order to cook perfectly, so the larger the internal capacity of steam consumption, the faster, and the start of steam filled with the inner cavity to reach saturation also takes a certain amount of time, which will make the cooking time longer.

Generally speaking, the choice of steam oven capacity is not recommended to exceed 60L, such as really buy more than this capacity of the steam oven, according to their own needs to decide it.

  • Material

Steam oven liner, is nothing more than stainless steel liner and enamel liner which distinguishes between the two.

Stainless steel processing performance, high toughness, corrosion resistance, heating fast as a popular plate, its applicability is very strong, any scene can be used, but the defects of stainless steel is also slightly obvious, the use of the process is easy to produce scratches, stains, which can easily lead to rust and other problems, Virgo OCD people reconsider.

Enamel, also known as enamel, is a composite material made of inorganic vitreous material that is solidified on the base metal by fusion and firmly bonded to the metal. The enamel coating on the metal surface prevents the metal from rusting, keeps the metal from forming an oxide layer on the surface when heated and resists various liquids. Enamel material is resistant to high temperatures and has good aggregation properties, so the temperature will be more uniform. Enamel liner has a layer of porcelain enamel on the exterior, no rust and no scale, and has strong pressure resistance.

However, enamel is also a place where there are defects, enamel process requires high technology, mature factories are abroad, domestic can do are rare, but there will still be leakage of enamel, microporous, bubbles and other manufacturing defects. Enamel does not completely cover the metal interior, because even the better enamel technology manufacturers, but also admitted that the enamel coating rate can not reach 100%. But with high-tech technology leading the catalyst, the various production materials for enamel are complementary in function through overall coordination. The result is a composite product of superior quality and novel style.

Comparison of the two, which is the better material? In fact, there is no saying which material is more superior, after all, different materials have his own advantages exist, according to their own needs to choose, want to be affordable, you can choose stainless steel material, good performance can choose enamel. After all, everyone’s needs are not the same, can not coexist. In the shopping thing, there is no saying good and bad points, after all, the production of products always have its survival value exists.

Reliable big brand companies also never let customers do the selection problem, but will output different products to the user to choose for themselves.

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