Do You Drink It Directly?

Usually life you are directly open the tap to drink water? Is the water quality standard in your area up to standard? What are the ways to get healthy and up to standard drinking water?

I believe that many people in life are directly open the faucet to drink water. In the U.S., many restaurants do the same, and the ice water served is actually ice + tap water.

Although the United States has the most reliable and safe drinking water supply system in the world, but we really do not in the heart of a question mark? In fact, the water quality varies greatly from region to region, and in addition to federal standards, each state also has its own drinking water standards. In California, for example, The California State Drinking Water Act, one of the most stringent drinking water standards in the country, many indicators are more stringent than the federal standards.

In California, in fact, at first I knew that California water quality standards were strict, and I usually drank tap water directly, without buying a separate filter. But after further research, I found that the water quality is not as good as I thought, and many indicators are “beyond imagination”


The EWG is a U.S. nonprofit organization, the Environmental Working Group, which has the most comprehensive drinking water database in the United States. It aggregates and analyzes data from nearly 50,000 public water systems in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. On the EWG website, simply enter your zip code or address to view the EWG’s water quality reports for your area.

The search found that my area of California has exceeded health indicators for three contaminants in the past two years. Chlorate is harmful to the thyroid; Chromium (hexavalent) and Radiological contaminants are carcinogenic.

The threat of these contaminants to human health is cumulative, we must not think that the moment does not cause harm to feel fine, we must pay attention to the local water quality, drinking water issues are closely related to us, health issues should never be ignored.

The simplest way to protect is to use a water filter pot. When I used to study, the students around me hand a BRITA or PUR these brands, in the general supermarket can be bought.

According to statistics, 4 out of 10 Americans use various forms of water purification devices, from small water purification jugs to large reverse osmosis units. Americans spend billions of dollars each year on home drinking water purification devices.

This is the PUR water purification unit I am currently using, which can remove 96% Mercury and 95% of certain Industrial Pollutants. it is particularly suitable in the kitchen, it has a large capacity and a convenient water outlet design, so you can cook and save your mind. Purchased from Amazon, more than 3,000 user reviews 4.2 stars positive. Water purification unit $25, 4 filters $20, every 2 months to replace the filter can be.

You can also choose to install the water purifier on the faucet, but remember to look at the size and shape before you buy to avoid the installation port does not match. Whether it is a filter or a water purifier, it is basically an activated carbon device that can suck away unpleasant odors and some organic pollutants.

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